CX Strategy Creation and Implementation

CX Strategy designed to address YOUR customer’s behaviors and preferences to deliver long-term brand loyalty and durable engagement

The customer journey is complex. You need a CX strategy that is unique to YOUR customers and organization, not just something based on the newest trends and internal assumptions. Our customer experience strategies are based on research and a clear understanding of their journey, driving positive change and long-term profitability.

Did you know?

More than two-thirds of companies now compete primarily on the basis of customer experience, which is up from only 36% in 2010! (Gartner)

360CX partners with you to understand the CX journey in order to create a viable and profitable CX strategy. By implementing this customized customer experience strategy, you will create an extraordinary customer experience that delivers bottom-line results.

Our process to design and implement your CX strategy includes:

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Stakeholder discussions and level-setting
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Project management

65% of consumers would become long-term customers of a brand if they are provided positive experiences throughout the customer journey. (Forbes Insight and Arm Treasure Data)

Get started today in designing a CX strategy that will affect positive change in your organization